Ezoic Performance Optimization Service

Want to run Ezoic ads on your site without sacrificing site performance and web vitals? We can help.

  • Pre-Optimization Analysis & Review
  • Proposal of optimal optimization approach
  • Site restructure/non-restructure options
  • Monitor Web Vitals until resolved
  • Validate GSC and Ezoic reports

If you intend to improve web vitals on your site using existing Ezoic ads, submit your site for a pre-optimization analysis.

Pre-optimization Analysis

1. Make sure you follow these steps before placing an order.
2. Submit your site address [here].
3. We will analyze your site's current status.
4. Propose a optimization plan that is best fit to your site.

Pick Your Approach

1. You can decide to overhaul or optimize your current setup.
2. You can decide what you want to keep or remove based on performance benchmark report.
3. Place your order.

Track Order Progress

1. Our team will start working on your site within 24-48 hours.
2. Your account dashboard will display progress status.
3. Direct communication channel with our team as we work on your site.

Staging Site Tests (Optional)

1. Who opt for the overhaul plan can review and request changes according to need.
2. We'll test and gather performance reports before going live.
3. Our team will only publish a staging site when the base performance is a 90+

Monitor Web Vital Progress

1. We track your site's performance and web vitals until the issue is fixed.
2. Web Vital statistics update gradually, and we're committed to supporting you throughout.
3. Our system notifies you when the site shows improved performance.
4. If the performance doesn't improve over an extended period, our experts will adjust settings.

Why Choose Us

Long Term assist

Hassle-Free Processes

We follow a few standard steps for every site we receive to optimize.

Our experts will take a full site backup before starting any optimization work.

All the changes made to your site are noted in a log file

The change log will be delivered with additional recommendations for maintenance.

Place Your Order

You will follow a few simple steps to place an Ezoic optimization order. You will be asked to provide us access to your site, and the order will remain in the queue until our speed specialist starts working on your site.

Track Order Status

You can track your order status on our service panel as well as communicate with the support team.

Get a Performance Optimized Site

We work hard to get the best possible result for your site without sacrificing appearance and functionality. Our experts will act as you would have done to fix web vitals. We are confident our optimization technique will help your site running Ezoic ads pass web vitals standards.

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We need this to contact you back.
Paste your website URL or domain.

Easy to start

Submit Your Site Info for Pre Optimization Analysis

We Analyze The Site And Send You A Pre Optimization Report

Place Your Order > We Take Action Within Your Site And Ezoic's Leap


Optimized SITES








If you don't want to wait for a pre-optimization analysis, pick a plan that suits your needs.



This plan optimizes your site without changing the design, using your current setup and Ezoic LEAP.

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Service Includes:

  • Analyze page assets.
  • Scale down heavy assets.
  • Apply performance filters.
  • Check the Ezoic connection.
  • Rearrange assets loading order.
  • Configure Ezoic cache rules
  • Optimize CLS issues (if any)
  • Configure LEAP
  • Monitor performance for 30 days
  • Track Web Vitals for 1 year
  • Long term assistance


$449 499

The overhaul plan is helpful when you want to change your site design, make it lighter without sacrificing features, and optimize with LEAP.

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Service Includes:

  • A staging site is required.
  • Scale down plugins.
  • Install premium theme + child theme
  • Install premium plugin
  • Configure a clean design
  • Configure LEAP & cache rules
  • Configure performance filters
  • Site functionality assistance
  • Monitor web vitals for 30 days
  • Long term assistance


  • Ezoic optimization does not require an additional charge than the base package.
  • Your site will immediately enter our service queue.
  • We will start working on your site within 24 - 48 hours.
  • We will work on your site assiduously.
  • A detailed internal changelog will be provided.
  • Get a full refund if we can't improve your web vitals within the first 28 days of Google's assessments.

Feel free to reach us for any kind of queries regarding speedy site service and other related business.


64 Hurontario St, Suite 200 Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 2L6 (Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm)


We are a dedicated team of WordPress developers and enthusiasts obsessed with site performance willing to help increase your site speed and pass core web vitals.